Tuesday, July 31, 2007

my curtain call....(myspace entry)

i have had the last laugh haha

isn't it odd when some relationships end...the two parties always make it a point to let the other party know that they are fine, doing very well almost to the point that they make you sense that they're doing better more than ever than when they were with you in that relationship? I guess it's human instinct to try to make the other person feel down about oneself and that one had moved on and that the relationship was something one wanted to forget and abandon because of its forgettability.

Well guess what? isn't it so surprising that the person who felt that he or she was at a disadvantage finally knew that in the end he or she had the last laugh? When he or she discovers that his or her partner was not only lying that he or she had moved on but he or she was doing badly after the relationship and that nothing that changed in his or her life except for the fact that he or she does not have you anymore and he or she will forever mourn that loss? Haha talk about licking one's wounds! When one feels that there was salt and pepper actually added onto those wounds one feels a very innate satisfaction that in the end pretention that one is moving on and having the time of his life is sometimes not the best action to take but admittance that there was a loss when the relationship ended!!!
I finally knew I had the last laugh hahaha!


Anonymous said...

curtain call?

interesting choice of topic header ;)

a very personal blog...
oddly detailed and vague all at the same time..lol

got a nice chuckle from the reading.

revenge and redemption, though often frowned upon, can be OOohhhh sooo sweet ;)


Anonymous said...

She is very very special girl. She is "muito gostosa".