Monday, August 30, 2010

in perpendicular motion...

I think one of the greatest things about having a blog like this is to be able to MOVE people. To put them out of the monotone of a world that they are in and give them an opportunity to discover, rethink, analyze, study certain facets of their lives is just one of the many things that inspire me to continue on maintaining this altar of mine. Well it is also a stress slate for me, one where I can vent all my frustrations and creative as well as destructive haha ideas on!

The past couple of days have immersed me in and out of depressive episodes out of the many things that have happened in the past couple of weeks. The death of my friend from Bangkok and how many things in the world wide web still remind me of him and how questions of why both of us never really made the effort to reunite during his last few days continue to plague me. This has to be normal I think. Many people often encourage me and commiserate perhaps in a move to just lift me out of this maelstrom of thoughts.

Then recently through this networking site again somebody was able to stitch up and make sense out of the disappearance of my friend. This person used my blog as a springboard to try and find out what happened to him. Then an exchange of private mails resulted in a clearer perspective for this person - enlightenment! I am so proud of myself despite how miniscule this incident is because somebody was the very least, informed.

Another thing I want to propagate is, because this altar of mine has become quite the vehicle and has its audience share already in the world wide web, the advancement of webpages with a good cause. From the pilfering of organs from unsuspecting civilians, which I wrote about, to child abuse, awareness of the many sad realities in this world has fueled me. But the real ignition key was when I visited members of the gay community in a certain correctional facility in Cebu, that incident really pushed me into action, to not just follow theory but to act on it. Now there is another undertaking which I am passionate about.

Television has done its part in being more than informative, graphics and pixels can indeed move us and it certainly has moved me. When I first stumbled across a program where they featured the land mines and the casualties they caused in the borders of Croatia and Bosnia Herzegovina it was startling for me and very alarming to know that there are more land mines there than any other area in the world. The tragedy the presence of these literal ticking time bombs has caused has been devastating. When you see the children who have encountered them and lived to tell the tale despite the lifetime injury they were going to have to live with, you will really break down in anguish and pain. According to Wikipedia, from 1992 through 2008 5,005 people were killed or injured by land mines or unexploded munitions. War time casualties stood at 3,339 killed and injured. Peacetime casualties, from 1996 through 2008 number 1,666 of which 486 persons were fatalities. This is unacceptable even for wartime standards in so many ways.

Because networking sites have been very beneficial to the human race AFTER the explosion of the internet onto the scene, I have come across a friend's very recent endeavor. He actually manages an internet radio station and they troop all across Europe in their Land Rover in the hopes of both broadcasting good music, relevant news, quips from their trip, nonsense that makes sense as well as propagate change in their own little way. Now he and his mates have taken the challenge to scour, along with capable company, the borders of Croatia and Bosnia to search and hopefully aid in removing these dangerous land mines. He believes in a cause and I am with him on this. To quote him "There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity and I'm not quite sure which side of the line we are on! We want encourage change and feel that using our social network to spread the word fewer people will be killed or maimed. Affluent property owners and government officials can do something about these problems and save lives. If I die in the pursuit of these types of cause then so be it. Maybe that is what is needed for people to take notice." I am with him in HIS cause! Now if only it was easy to get a European visa, I think I would have tagged along with him and his group to manually aid their efforts. It is truly an honorable thing to do.

Please do visit his internet radio website and take the time to listen, be moved and act. Their facebook page is
ges/WWSN-Radio-Online-Community-Radio/109400922425192?ref=ts . The charitable website their station is helping is .

I have only admiration and support for them and their website as well as future projects. I hope he/they become bigger because the integrity of what he/they are doing is unquestionable and unshakeable. More power to them of course and I hope they continue to change lives and move people. :)

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