Friday, May 11, 2007

things of old

recently i have developed a habit of turning on my old casette player and playing the tapes I have on display inside my room. The player and the tapes have been around for the longest time. They had both gathered dust and needed some cleaning. The tapes I hadn't used in a long time and I really don't know what came over me when I put one into the player and listened to it. The next thing I know I was listening to tape after tape. The music filled my room again. Loud volume for the songs I liked and then my nextdoor neighbor would scream so I would turn it down. The listening was quite the experience. It was a dizzying feeling. The music invigorated me again and the memories associated with the sounds also flooded me.

What a beautiful thing it is when you rediscover the beauty of an object you once cherished. The simple things inside your nook which are taken for granted are actually just there waiting to be tapped to give you a sense of appreciation for their presence... presence of which are contingent to why you chose to keep them instead of stuffing them inside dusty closets as rubbish or worse, throwing them to the garbage to be banished forever from your sight! Haha...

Similar to my previous text blog, I think that the significance of objects come up when they are not within your presence anymore. But if you utilize everything you have in your room which in the first place you wondered why they were there I think that you would grasp the idea of how important they are. Because using them is tapping their potential to fulfill a certain task. They do not just become objects for the sight but also to explain why they are still there. If only we can adapt this kind of concept and understanding of our possessions, I think less stuff would go to the garbage and more would become useful until the day they need to be changed or inevitably thrown out...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Lisa - I enjoyed the latest blog entry about rediscovering your saved music. Beyond the discourse on the place of "objects" in our lives, your blog brought to mind how important and satisfying hearing old favorites can be. I particularly enjoy when an old tune takes me back to a simpler time in my life and triggers the re-emergence of fond memories of old friends while listening. I'm certainly going to go back and look through the old albums and tapes again. Thanks for the memories Lisa - Dave in Tampa, Florida