They are different in many ways. Their characters, personalities, attributes as well as temperaments, and quirks are as unique as the colors of different birthstones. What makes one tick may be a bit different to what makes the other click. The extent to how one takes things seriously is totally different to another's disposition towards any matter in the realm of our social and physical existence. But we are not friends because of these differences. We are friends because of the coexistence of these variations in character! We are all compounds with different elements within ourselves but the existence of one or more common elements makes us bond and cohese.
For the first time in the past couple of months even for just bursts of short moments with these people I learned to forget the trauma of the past year. And I only ever need to string together these short moments and turn them into events, days and then weeks to be able to lift myself fully and to bury all the negative memories. I know they will aid me in forgetting the many negative stimuli that have surrounded me in the past. They will aid me in my progress towards a more dynamic and hopefully healthier life. I know they will not necessarily tolerate my negative characteristics but it is probably only because I rub them the wrong way or I am still learning lessons in my own social education.
Suddenly it became easier to abandon everything. My phone, the laptop, the stupid internet. Simply because the presence of pals were a diversion I have longed for for a long time now. Everything just suddenly seemed easier, simpler, and less stressful. I am so happy I spent time with them and it should get better as the weeks go by as I know I will reach out to them more than I want to! I hope so. Loneliness and solitude is now a thing of the past and I need not take that path because I know I have the power of choice.
And the support
Hi Liisa
Isn’t it great to be with your friends! I’m glad that you are with them and enjoying yourself! This is what you really need! Soak in all that you can get and enjoy yourself in the process! I hope that you make a lot of great memories with your friends!
Best Wishes, Ben :)
It's lovely to see you emerging from the tunnel, may you squint in the sunlight for only a short time and then enjoy it to the max. Life is there for you to grab with both hands and use it to the full.
Go get 'em girl
Hope U enjoyed UR vacation beautiful.
I check out your blog every once in awhile. I have missed your posts and am glad to see you back in action.
I have question about a biz I am discussing with my t-girlfriend in Manila. I was wondering if I could run it past you privately? Let me know how I can e-mail you with details..
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