Tuesday, October 27, 2009


This is just hilarious hahahahaha

Don't mess with a tranny on her birthday!!!

Like the kid in the video, Mr. Holocaust-Alcoholic-Jobless-crackaddict-MESS shoulda been taught them manners by his Irish Momma when he wuz a kid...But aint thangs too late???

But his momma aint got no control over him now... he's just a machine-gun spewing shite from his mouth...a brainless mental hodge-podge callin' people in the middle during his drunken stupor, stalkin' my blog and dressin' in cheap knickers, playin sex-tourist around sin cities hahahahaha

He be getting more than Mace sprayed on his face now that hes OLDER (and hungrier? hahahahahaha

Boy im beginning to speak like them black folks...COOLERS! hahahahaha

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As one who has ridden that LA subway many times, I can tell you that stuff like that is more common in LA than you might think.....And you're right it's fuckin hilarious!