Sometimes don't you feel as if the world is too big you are inevitably bound to never meet a huge number of people in a single lifetime? Yet when you see someone on the street, in the train, in a brasserie, or on a river cruise you feel as if you have known that person for the longest time and if you are not destined to meet tomorrow, next week, next year or in the next ten years, you feel such a magnetism almost to the point where you feel you will most likely meet in the next lifetime? These are the polar extremes of the idea of interpersonal connection in my thought processes. While I understand the vastness and size of the world, so have I accepted the reality that the few people I experienced no matter how brief the moment, irregardless of how nano-secondish the encounter, if I do feel a certain cohesion of thoughts, even an interlocking of mere senses, I CAN embrace and nurture this bond and maintain that hope that someday in our tremblingly rapid future I will encounter that person again.
I have always felt that way when I encounter someone interesting or remotely bewitching to my senses. I may not have exchanged a breath, a word with the person but I feel that if we had known each other we might have been what? tennis clubsters? classmates? best friends? lovers? confidantes? It's a rather uncanny characteristic but something which I have possessed for the longest time now. I can somehow sense the connection or the possibility of it or yes for the sake of balance, the LACK of it. This is such an amazing part of me which sometimes does me no good. The simple reason is the person on the other side might choose to ignore the intensity of my reaching out. They might regard me as just another foolish oaf who is too sentimental and too idealistic to ever be seen as a normal thinking being. You know...that kind of dismissiveness which eats away at your enthusiasm and probably discourages you from pursuing what was there....
The most beautiful part about this certain quality I possess is at least if the response is present and if the bond is also recognized, I am almost most likely to dive in with all skill, motivations effort and time towards enriching the synergy (thank you george!). Believe me many times this has overwhelmed the person on the other side of the coin but many times they have met it with such positivity that it's just encouraged me to maintain this unique characteristic.
I know we may never meet in this life, we live in a monstrously immense Aquarium where we may never see the other side of the glass. But think about it! If we do meet and encounter each other by chance, wouldn't you be at least curious of the endless permutations our connection could end up? If I do not meet you in this lifetime and consequently we do not become anything special, perhaps the next will bring about a more intimate encounter? Oh to talk about another lifetime entails another blog entry hehe.....
(PS thank you to this site www.fishandaquaria.com/aquarium/ for your beautiful photos)
Have you been hacked?????
It sounds like a great philosophy. Sana.
Yep. I certainly had that kind of feeling when I was introduced to you via your blog.
I liked the post about the coelcanth (i can't even spell it correctly ) an interest of mine as well. I like science, but sometimes science can be very arrogant. So maybe like you, I would like to discover a mermaid & throw it back in the faces of science - take that, science!
"there are more mysteries in heaven & earth than your poor science hath discovered !" [ paraphrase ]
It isn't fair that their is only one of you, Liisa. It's just not right! We are probably all hoping that someday soon science will discover a way to clone you! Soon we will have "world-wide Liisa"
P.S. If i DID discover a mermaid I would have to carry out preliminary examinations before the greedy clutches of scientists got to her.
P.S.S The dictionary on this comment bit wants to correct your name "Liisa" - where do we write in to correct THAT?!
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