Thursday, September 7, 2017

empowered.. enabled...

please don't despise us..

please don't pity us...

please don't judge us..

we were not trafficked,

we were not kidnapped,

we were not forced to do things
we do not like..

I made a choice, and I am happy about my choice..

Companionships I have established
throughout the years I have chosen
to be in... I was not forced to
be in a liaison..

If anything can be said about the
dark side of a semblance of a career
I indulged in, it empowers me,
it affirms my existence and the
principles behind everything I believe in,

That as a woMAN desired and lusted after,
by men,
I have reached a peak and not plateau..

I am beautiful and lusted for and this is fuel
to my everyday realities and existence.

So before calling us disgusting or judging us,
my choices were made by me and I wouldn't have the kind of tenacity and sustained energy to be the perfect transgirlfriend experience throughout the years.. if I was not happy with these decisions... and I am joyous and fulfilled!!!

Love to all!!!

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