Saturday, April 9, 2016

Lakanbini Advocates Pilipinas

With great pride and authentic sincerity and joy..

Oath-taking, speech as Chairwoman press conference and photo ops with media people and some important people ...

Hopeful with further advancement and progression of the rights and issues many of my transsisters and transbrothers face !!!!!

Love to all !!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your accomplishments. Maybe this is the start of a political career for you. I'm glad that you found something to focus your energy and talent on. JR

Stu Henry said...

Sadly it seems I may have missed the hey day of the Winklergirl Blog, Yahoo Group and perhaps the MySpace page too :)

Looks like you've recently chosen a very noble path with your advocacy (well done you). Let's hope the adoring public as equally enrapt by your fight for LGBT rights as they are by pics of you on a beach! :)....they should be.

Stuart (what's that a/s/l thing again?!)