Monday, July 30, 2012

the shoot to end all SHOOTS to end all SHOOTS to end all..

Didn't I tell you that 2012 would be an awesome year for photos for the big bad winklergirl???? :-) 

I'm a sucker for clicks, flashes and costume changes and we have just completed the third shoot of the year!!!

'Tis one was the best so far! I had a wonderful person to work with, a long-time friend
who is beautiful, fierce and who has tremendous talent behind the lens! She took command
of me like the lazy bitch that I am and whipped me into form, screaming out instructions, 
the best poses, my best angles....We had a wonderful time laughing and sipping martinis in
between shots...Totally glorious!!!

OUR WORKS of art are available at my VIP yahoo group now...Exclusive for members! 
Thank you so much for the gifts of lingerie and shoes and many other things. You are in my heart and every photoshoot is never possible without you, my supporters!! I LOVE YOU!

Come into:

And the photos can be found at this folder...Fall/Winter Boudoir! AMAZING!

I LOVE YOU ALL! Thank you and PLEASE check out this page.....I will be switching the cover photo in this entry to tease you to get into my delightful cobweb of a group...


Friday, July 27, 2012

state of young affairs...

In this entry I will attempt to skew things up a little and rewrite circumstances rooted deep in ink and paper to foster my creativity. It is the very essence of exploring oneself in many ways anyway- to resurrect, to refresh, to revive, remodel that which has been sealed with a particular finality by history. But imagination can be so vast, manipulative and powerful that yes we can indeed rework things to our own accord. 

I have deviated from the actual gist of my train of thought in the attempt to sound philosophical and sophisticated but what I really wanted to indicate is that without the interjecting notion of love into the circumstance i want to illustrate, why is there a certain appeal to the younger individual- a younger man, a younger woman in an illicit affair? There will be no specifics because I have axes to grind or people involved have axes to grind haha but yes why oh why do we at one point gravitate towards a young persona when we feel the need to alleviate an itch? 

Now with reference to the first paragraph, I attempt to recreate a fictional circumstance involving one of my most beloved characters in literature - Miss Havisham of Dickensian fame, "Great Expectations" if you please. I know she may have been a lot lot older than the object of her cynicism and condescension, the main character of the novel, Pip, but was it possible that there could have been an erotic attraction towards the younger man? The Dickens novel tells us that she was vengeful and cynical towards the male persona because she was left in the wedding altar years ago by her fiance, so she wanted to create a plot of her own where she was in control of the finale. By manipulating Pip's feelings, pitting him constantly with her adopted daughter, the irresistibly beautiful Estella, she obviously felt an inner gratification out of seeing Pip's dejection because of her younger protege's  rejection of his advances. Estella was obviously a conduit for her feelings- a marionette in a game where she always ended up winner. Or was this her perverse way of displaying love for the younger man, Pip? Playing the emotional "sword of Damocles" game with him through Estella? Pushing him into emotional oblivion so that her approval, no matter how elusive, would prove to increase in essence over time? 

Do we love the younger creature because he or she offers us a refreshing perspective of life? Away from the cynical pedestals we have perched ourselves in, in an attempt to appear cool, experienced and well in control of ourselves? What other forms of satisfaction could we possibly obtain from affairs with the younger person aside from the obvious physical sensation? Do they have variables to contribute to our own personal equation that we thought and deemed constant because of experience and balance? 
Of course the answer is yes. We encounter many a mid life crisis, the grind of life bludgeons us into the submission of routine and rhyme. The carefree spirit as well as his novel approach to things that have worn us reminds us that we have been there once and we reminisce and we revel in the nostalgia and we enthuse ourselves as a result, hopefully revitalize and make us feel new again.  The attraction to things more youthful lies in this essence. We relive a chapter in our lives by immersing in the interesting-ness of it all...

One thing is for sure. The young will always have more vigor, energy, and more vitality to them. They will have fewer rings to their stalks but the question is to what extent can one play teacher? We must love playing teacher, contributor that we choose to attach to them noh? And MORE IMPORTANTLY, the more vital question they return the favor too? NOOOOOO returning a favor is too cruel a phrase! To euphemize: do they love the company as much too? We would like to think so. I do not know which side I am on but I think I would also enjoy it if I thoroughly partook of a younger or older  individual's company knowing I enjoy to enjoy! He wants to learn, I want to learn, we have new things to teach each other. On one side, the inexperience, the naivete and the fresh pulp of innocence he or she possesses as well as his or her individual qualities borne out of trauma, happinesses of her/his journey in life, opposite the worldliness and wisdom, cynicism (it can be positive you know) of the older entity and his own qualities as well. Let's say it is a fusion rather than fission. 

There is also the added spice of taboo. It doesn't sit well with the traditionalists and believe me there is an infinite number of them, that a young woman or man liaisons with someone older. But everything desirable in life seems to be forbidden or to some extent impermissible. But not IMPOSSIBLE, we would like to believe. We who are free-spirited and anti-bourgeois! We who love the experience of clandestine affairs with the younger person because we love the different experience and abhor the mediocre. We don't want to be limited to the boxes supplied us by a questionnaire. We want to believe that we can create our own experiences, be more anecdotal even and one of those is the affair with the young, the dark curtains to define the parameters of normalcy versus the interesting and erotic, the free flow of conversation and wine - with no barometer to measure how lewd or how civil the exchange of words may get, the caresses and smiles that turn into various states of physical intimacy. Those I believe are the boxes we want to see- begging to be ticked but not present at all in the mediocrity of our more than normal lives! 

(PS if anyone has an old wornout copy of the book above, it would be nice if you share that piece of literatura with me! Thank you! hehehehehe ) 

Sunday, July 8, 2012


I've been a frequenter on Facebook the past year or so and the fact that 
it's so accessible from both my phones makes me skip silly and idle 
chats and even sometimes emails...

I thought it might be a bit unique to whip up a compilation of my 
silliest, most interesting, cerebral,  outrageous, sublime facebook statuses. 
I know ... it's so VAIN! haha! Please feel free to be outraged or insulted 
should any of it dredge out your issues in life and if you must as a consequence 
write a comment (OR LIKE which in facebook parlance means wanting to be 
mum but remain relevant within someone's facebook social circle). And 
to add a certain semblance to a real Facebook status I have indeed included 
the like and comment tab hehehehe!

Most of these are of course original unless otherwise stated so. 

Some of them will touch all sorta things that interest me as well as everyday 
things that happen in my pathetic existence...:) I will start from the latest 
down to the oldest...

(Please don't ask me what a facebook status is LOL)


What an arcane game tennis is indeed. You don't lose in the first round of the French 
Open to a Frenchwoman who's looking to retire soon and then proceed to demolish World 
number 2 and world number 4 in the next Grand Slam that is Wimbledon a month later to 
book a trip to the women's final...but then again if you're Serena Williams it wouldn't be 
too strange a game hehehhe..
‎"That which you mistake for madnesss is but an overacuteness of the senses." - Edgar Allen 
Poe (The Tell-Tale Heart)

Abs are made in the kitchen not in the gym....30% exercise, 70% diet...too true!!!!! (copied 
from some site)

 ·  ·

To the untrained eye, the first Dior collection by Raf Simons will seem too complex and too
 sophisticated but I'm sure to the discerning eye, a fashion paradigm shift took place last night...
for who are we to scrutinize when we are mere consumers of what these fashion geniuses 
produce? We have the money, but they steer the ship's wheel... Who knows in a couple of years 
everyone will wear his voluminous corset tops over cigarette pants? Midnight blue or citron 
green will become the new black and skirts wont need a lot of volume to look tasteful....

Every village needs an happen to be our's! 

I wonder why the new Mr Spiderman will always be Eduardo Saverin to me and not the 
name of a silly cartoon tabby #weird
Live fast, die young, bad girls do it well...... (M.I.A. "Bad Girls")

You poor guys. Always confusing your pistols with your privates!!!!!! - Catwoman (Batman Returns)

Rafa Nadal should work the angles of the court efficiently and go for down-the-line 
shots more if he wants to maintain his rule as King of Roland Garros otherwise Djokovic's
 steady and consistent shot-making, penetrating offense and phenomenal defensive game 
will give him his Novak Slam in the final of the 2012 French Open... Forget the women's 
championship tonight lol..this is the rivalry of the new decade!!!! 
"They sent you to deal with me, haven't they? Like a lawyer in a movie. He goes to the 
unsuitable waitress, or showgirl, or chauffeur's daughter, and says the family is prepared to
 offer you a hundred thousand dollars to stay away from their son...." — Sabrina (movie)
Being materialistic can't be all that bad. Specially if you've worked too hard for the 
things you so deserve....
Im ready to kill myself Hahhahaa your "beard" was too obvious!!!!! Good morning 
Hangover!!!! #crypticgaylanguage #gayclub

Three degrees of separation ; not six .... this city is a tiny village...

Two classes = 3 hours of yoga = lots of luck needed.....cheers!!!
‎"DrawSomething" is not for everyone!! Hahahahahahahaha!!!
 · "Grace thanks for the pie, I just don't know if I can eat that cause the corsets are so tight" - Raquel Zimmermann (The September Issue)

Looooooooooong queue at H and M for the launching of the Marni collection...wanted to 
chime in but my God I've never been masochist enough to sleep all night in the middle of
 Orchard Road!!!
High heels - if it ain't hurtin', it ain't helpin'.... - Monte Carlo (movie) 
Gossip Girl S5 E15 ... ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ The seeds of requited love have been 
sown...BLAIR kisses Dan Humphrey back!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥


Okay now the depression has hit me over the death of my black chanteuse...imma 
play all friggin Whitney Houston songs while drinkin martini me thinks....:-(


♬♫ 2012 Grammys ♪♫ = ♕ Adele♕ ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ♙ Katy Perry ♙ Lady Gaga ♙ Rihanna ♙ Nikki Minaj
Dear Mr. Dickens,

Thank you for Oliver Twist, Ebenezer Scrooge, Tiny Tim, The Artful Dodger, “Pip”, Bob Crachit,
 Estella, David Copperfield, Fagin, Little Dorritt, Bill Sykes, Mr. Micawber, Nicholas Nickleby, 
and Miss Havisham.

Happy 200th Birthday! Through all of your characters you have become immortal. The best 
thing we can do today to celebrate is to read one of your books....

Epic lyrics!!! hahahaha

Walking down the post office to pick up your pensionAnd then your 
off to BingoIts become an obsessionSo wary of the kids when their wearin their hoods up And 
even if they smile at you, you think it’s a stick upYou only buy the paper to cut out the 
couponsYour saving 50p but what do you want with tamponsYour always at the doctor picking up your prescriptionAnd they throw in some K-Y just to ease up the friction

(Lily Allen) 


Monumental effort by Novak Djokovic in the 5h 55min Aussie Open men's final. I was screaming 
for Nadal from start to finish but Rafa was just beaten by a better tactician in a nailbiter
 of a final and the best I have seen in many many years!!!!!! Waaaaaa :-(
The women's final tonight may resemble a noise abatement program between two women 
who are products of ex-Soviet genetic athletic excellence but it will still be a showcase of 
power against power in women's tennis. Victoria Azarenka deserves her first Grand Slam 
title but I will root for tennis' covergirl sensation Maria Sharapova!!! Go Maria!!!!!!!

You never really remember the beginning of a dream do you? .... - Inception (movie)


“The error of youth is to believe that intelligence is a substitute for experience, while 
the error of age is to believe that experience is a substitute for intelligence.” We need
 the optimism and enthusiasm of youth and the experience and wisdom of age. One 
tempers the other. I learn from the young and this entails a lot of discipline. But it 
pays off very well! - (anonymous)


I hate sales, in shops. I think it's quite degrading. People who have bought something for the full price should not be confronted with the people who buy the same thing for less later. - Karl Lagerfeld

The holidays will never be an excuse to be lazy, fat and less streamlined!!!!! Eat more then exercise more!!!!

Muscles are scorching with pain but have to get rid of that Choco Wacko I ate last night... Onto my gluts, obliques, abs exercisesssss....

Do you know what they do to soft, bald, overweight Republicans in prison??????? - Death Becomes Her (movie)


Forever21 Cebu was not so bad!!!! I mean if you're talking about crowds in a store wait till you get to H & M, Orchard Road, Singapore and you'll experience real CROWDS...
 "The best infrastructure is inside like personal habits of cleanliness and consideration: Filth comes from people not buildings: Few men in the world flush and men need to improve their aim with straighter pistols in public toilets:" Only Narita is always spotless but no one else is Japanese" - Teddy Locsin Jr. (Philippine newscaster) 

Dear KC Concepcion

Chiseled looks do not define a straight man ...

Been there done that...

Carmina Villaroel-Legaspi :-)
The economy is so bad I saw the Kardashians shopping in the Kardashian section of Sears - Jay Leno hahahahahhahaha

 ·  ·

Soooo happy my yoga classes will return to normal scheduling next week and the introduction of pilates on Wednesday is the best icing on the cake - fantastic for core energy yeheyyyy!!!!

For a movie to be brilliant in some definable term, it has to be able to move people and minds. The movie "Kinatay" by B. Mendoza certainly not only moved mine but had the inevitable effect of churning my stomach. I perfectly commiserate with Coco Martin's character vomitting during the last part of the movie. Steel yourself to explore a very dark side to humanity if you want to watch this film!

This is a whirlwind of a day ... from retrieved stolen phones to last minute shopping...are there surprises left for me todayyyy????
Men are such cocksuckers aren't they? It's true. They're scared. Their dicks get limp when confronted by a woman of obvious power and what do they do about it? Call them witches, burn them, torture them, until every woman is afraid. Afraid of herself... afraid of men... and all for what? Fear of losing their hard-on. - Jack Nicholson (Witches of Eastwick) 

MAC makeup is uber passé!!!!! Tom Ford and Giorgio Armani rule the makeup counters these days!!!!!! 
Reality check're still a guy with long hair!!!!! Hahahahahhhhaha
‎#Fact in Singapore the fine for your fake Louis Vuitton will be more expensive than that bag hahahahahahaha!!!!
Facebook will never be an equalizer... In real life you will always be less-sophisticated, less-educated, awkward in conversation and if possible hideous-looking and lacking the necessary social skills of a well-bred person! So i better delete you so that your assumptions will disappear!!! Hahaha
CAREFUL with the use of the @ button please!!!!!!!! we dont need to mention the FULL name of the person we are alluding to right??????
Family is and should be the foundation of everything that we build in life, and if we try to get that across to people, even young people then many other problems will be resolved within itself... - Miss South Africa (Miss Universe 2003) 
Fruit viand once a day and liquids for 1 1/2week have finally taken their toll and caused dizziness and palpitations..... BACK to peanuts for some solid intake! hahahaha

Note to self: Steer away from Somerset 313 shops lest you risk running onto admirers who stalk you till you reach H and M and then say hi to you when you least expect it! Hahahahaha
 ·  ·

In the land of the blind you are the one-eyed monster! So open that single eye because the obvious is too palpable to be ignored!!!!!!!
That super awkward moment when your biggest crush in high school is now a bald, muffin-topped, age-ing daddy of four kids...:sigh: I wish time capsules were available for everyone!!!! :(
Show me a good-looking girl and i will show you a guy who is tired of f**king her!!!!

SOmething charitable, food for the soul ... will join MANPRIDE's feeding program in a while..
To let one's beauty go is to desecrate Nature's greatest creation...our bodies...strive to enhance yourself and you will see you will live a less disjointed life. Be beautiful, take your hormones girls lol!!!!
The biggest mistake of many Filipinos is to pretend to be able to afford something!!! Maybe if they cut to the chase and say they dont have enough then they can learn the first lesson of improving themselves by being honest!!!!!!
 ·  ·

COFFEE and CONCEALERs are your best friends on a hungover Sunday noon and you have a date in an hour!!!!
Maybe we should stop counting the steps we have YET to take towards our own predefined successes but instead count the steps we have taken to get to where we are now...then we might feel some semblance of happiness :-)


Hope everyone enjoyed what I was able to post.

Tell me which one was your favorite!!!!! Hehehe

Maybe there'll be a part II as there's just too many of them statuses for me to be able to write in one go! hihihihi 

Big kiss