What is the definition of happiness?
Happiness is too broad a term to ever be defined in one statement. At this point in my life I tend to think of it as minor incidents and small instances that snowball into one big avalanche that overwhelm me and makes me feel so blessed to have many of the good things in life.
Happiness is that feeling of confusion between procuring that Fendi bag I've had my eyes on for the longest time OR that Gucci mini boston I just saw while browsing on Frida Giannini's website yesterday. I do not like muddling my mind too much over such petty little things but hey this is a minor incident of happiness. So if it makes me happy then these feelings of uncertainty over which arm candy to buy must be..that's right a minor incident of happiness!!
Happiness is a delicious hot chocolate drink. Neither too sweet nor too bland, this is the perfect cup. Not too small so that the moment of orgasm in my palate goes too quick to cherish and not too massive a dose so that I'll lose the sense of taste for anything other than sweet pieces of confection. And to drink it on a rainy day with a nice book or my laptop to keep me company while browsing interesting subjects on the web -ahhh another minor incident of happiness!
Happiness is Figo, my beloved puppy! The only one who seems to understand and receive love without subterfuge! He who pisses me off when he shits on an unwanted spot, but peppers or drowns me with kisses whenever I bring him up from the floor! His fluffy hair, feet that are too big for his size, his stoutness make him such an overwhelmingly beautiful creature to me, it makes me burst with joy and pride. He has encompassed being just a toy and has become a real boyfriend who is emotionally uncomplicated and insatiably horny (at least for the stuffed toys he humps several times a day) hahahahha!
Happiness is a beautiful sports match. An excellent game with fantastic high-quality shotmaking and superb tactical play is always a beauty to watch. You know I am probably referring to tennis but not all of the time as I CAN enjoy a variety of sports too. To be glued to the television because of all that excellent play and athletic charisma is a minor incident of happiness to these eyes.
Happiness is the knowledge that my ex-boyfriend of a loser is penniless and cannot even fly budget to Asia to kill me HAHAHA. He hates me so much but cannot do anything about it that he just conjures up these idiotic pointless email addresses and sends me emails asking for updates on my whereabouts and my future schedule. Isn't that pathetic? Spending 108% of your time plotting somebody's demise, stalking her blog and following her every move online! Get a life outside your immersion in cocaine and cheap, distasteful Guinness beer please! Hahahaha...That fact alone that he is still the social outcast that he is...borders on being a MAJOR incident of Happiness but I'd consider it a minor one because there's more to life than hating someone LOL...oopss did I just refute the whole idea of this paragraph from this last thought???
Happiness is that perplexing feeling I get whenever a man I just met and spent time with makes me feel too special so that I start to think I may be on the verge of insanity or on the crest of emotional euphoria! When i dream about him when I am just beside him? Isn't that the very epitome of extreme attraction?? hahahaha I am pathetic in this aspect of my life. I have never really been able to take charge of my emotions properly. There is no moderation when it comes to handling my feelings, it's either intimacy overdrive or total ignorance of the person! NOW that is one minor incident of happiness too!
You might be asking me why the title to this entry? You're probably thinking she must have gone over the edge to attach such an irrelevant phrase to an otherwise well-written blog.
WELL it's not totally pointless I think. Because one of my minor incidents of happiness during the past week has been BEING able to finally and satisfactorily, at least to MYSELF, put an explanation to the uncanny phenomena over WHETHER the men I see are mutations of what we respectfully call homosexuals or straight guys looking for a kink other than a wet fleshy pocket in front of them during their moments of estrus and repressed libations. I told my PAPI (a Deutsche friend), who I spent two days with last week, that these encounters with my kind are what I would call minor incidences of homosexuality! This doesn't stain or mar their Van-Damme, macho, arrow-straight image which society has stamped on them based on appearance, demeanor, characteristic and upbringing. It just means they immerse in these minor incidents because a kink is a kink is a kink. Falling in love with TSgirl like me would fall into another topic though! And therefore another blog entry hahahaha which my addled mind cannot handle as of now...:)
So everyone, find your minor incidents of happiness and roll them together, tack them all to your wall, gather them all in a basket so YOU MAY find your own euphoria, that which makes life worth living for you!!!!