The past few weeks I have been absorbed by this reality show, The Amazing Race Asian version Season 3 on AXN! I could never seem to watch the initial primetime showing every Thursdays but by hell they replay it more than four times during the week so it's easy enough to keep track hehe...And the best thing is the action and excitement never diminishes even if you watch it on the last replay...oh well unless somebody who watched the earlier shows tells me who gets eliminated LOLOL
1) Pailin Rungratanasunthorn and Natalie Glebova - tested and tried beauty queens as Pailin is a Miss Thailand Universe runner-up and Glebova won the Miss Universe of 2005 for her country Canada.
3) Vince Matthew Chung and Samuel Wu - Hailing from Hong kong, Vince is a comedian show host and was once a teacher while Samuel is a top player of the word game Prolific.
4) Ida Nerina and Tania Khan - our second Malaysian team. Ida is an actress, director and producer while Tania is a property developer.
5) A.D. Chan and Faeza Sirajudin - describing themselves as colorful best girl friends from Singapore, A.D. is a freelance writer while Faeza (Fuzzie) is a teacher from Singapore. This pair is one of my favorite for the race simply because of their bubbly personalities!

The Amazing Race is a hit reality TV show which features a series of races through different landmarks in several countries in Asia। The beauty of this show is that it not only features various spots in a particular country but it also highlights and incorporates the culturality of a particular nation into the tasks needed to be accomplished within the race। The teams have to reach a pit stop to win a particular race series. One by one, the teams that finish last in getting to a pit stop get eliminated until the final three left go into the final race. The series are held all over different nations.
The race factors in obstacles that have been part and parcel of the show। With such interesting terms such as Road Blocks, Fast Forwards, Yields, Intersections and Detours, these obstacles are sure to throw in numerous twists and turns to the race। The show is a hit coupled with a lot of drama, competition, intense excitement and tougher challenges for the 10 teams from all across Asia. The producers of this show have made sure that the challenges in the NEW season were designed to test the team's relationships as well as their make their strengths shine through. The contestants are chosen from all over Asia and usually the combinations are interesting. There are celebrity beauty queens, father and son teams, cousins, siblings and almost every gregarious pair which makes for the excitement of the encounters.
Look out for celebrities from your countries too! Models, actors, almost anyone with a name could be in the race and surprisingly enough even the occasional unknown personality could crop up in the interest of television edibleness :)। Actually the best part of the show is that everyone is equal, given the tasks they have to fulfill as well as the frustrations they have to undergo. There is no showbusiness, no beauty pageant and no drama act in the race for glory!!! This is the real beauty of this show...
The gorgeous Allan Wu hosts the show but his hosting leaves a lot to be desired although he is delectable enough for television and well every television show deserves an attractive face to banner it hehehe....
And of course the show will not be without these people...Here they are...Our contestants!!!

2) Bernie and Henry Chan - Siblings from Malaysia. Bernie is a model and hosted Project Runway Malaysia while her brother is a chef and restaurant ओव्नेर

6) Geoff Rodriguez and Tisha Silang - boyfriend and girlfriend from the Philippines, Geoff is a model while Tisha is a business development manager। They have been together for three years and says they are the classic example of "opposites attract." This is the second of my favorite pair because of Geoff har har

7) Visa (Mai) Sarasas and Oliver Faivre - male and female best buds from Thailand, Mai is an actress and a model while Oliver is a student and model from the Land of Smiles. This is my third favorite team because of OLIVERRRR लोलोल

8) Niroo Asrani and Kapil Asrani - Father and son team from India, Niroo is an actor and Kapil is an HR executive. They describe they connection as that of very good friends rather than father and son.

9) William and Isaac Hong - Football is the name of the game these two brothers are immersed in. But rather than playing the sport both of them are agents for football players in Korea. William also hosts football shows on Korean television.

10) Neena and Amit Rai - our second team from India, Neena is a model and an artist while her cousin Rai has his hands full in real estate consultation.
Since I started writing about this race just now I will start with Episode no। 4 in my next blog entry. Teams no. 1, 9 and 10 have already been eliminated :) Beauty queens are not respected in this race haha and the sheer gruesome schedule as well as temperature-soaring conditions have taken their toll on these three teams. But the rest of the surviving contestants will rock on and I will be there to follow their quests for the ultimate prize, the honor of winning Amazing Race Asia Season 3 as well as many remunerations which the show's sponsors and producers have provided !!! Good luck guys (particularly Team Philippines LOLOL)
(thank you to the official site of Amazing Race Asia AXN for the photos!!!)