Zhong Xing Telecommunication Equipment Company is a colossal telecommunications company based in China. They are one of the biggest players in the telecom business in Asia and perhaps the world.
Why am I talking about this? Because I have heard about the ZTE broadband scam which has clouded the political atmosphere of my country, the shithole called the Philippines, and has glued Filipinos to their television sets when more interesting programs are not around hahahahahahahaah. Please do not mistake me, the Philippines has so many remarkable places, people and traits. But some of the realities of life here including the major business called graft and corruption irks me big time and I am not alone of course in saying this.
Now ZTE and the joke called the Philippine government enter into an agreement called the National Broadband Network deal (NBN deal) where the telecom company will set up and structure a broadband network of the Philippine government which means virtually all of the cogs who work in any agency and department connected with the government will have internet connection and all benefits involved with broadband connections.
To pay for this project including its interests we have to, of course, add to our already debilitating national debt by receiving a loan from China. Of course the funds for this payment is taken from the national treasury which includes people's taxes and the many avenues which our country derives its finances.
Now are you ready to eat this with chips because everything is starting to reek of fish? As in fishy??? LOL
Here is a colorful story involving circus clowns called Philippine political officials LOL
1. Jose "Joey" De Venecia III:
He is the son of House Speaker Jose De Venecia Jr., who is a known supporter of our President's Arroyo's administration. This guy pours out his knowledge and firsthand experiences of the rigging of the deal through massive overpricing and kickbacks by many of our officials IN AN AFFIDAVIT and then in a Senate investigation. (His document says the project was overpriced by about $130M (6 Billion pesos!!!!!!) in its first proposal and the current contract for implementation by about $89M (4 Billion pesos!!!!!)...
Coincidentally Mr. Joey owns Amsterdam Holdings Inc. (AHI), which lost the bid for the NBN project to ZTE. So this would create a cloud on his own story wouldn't it?
His document says the project was overpriced by about $130M (6 Billion pesos!!!!!!) in its first proposal and the current contract for implementation by about $89M (P4 B), which will be loaned by the RP gov't to China with interest.
2. Benjamin Abalos
Now Former Comission on Elections Chairman (as he has resigned LOL). This fucktard was the agent who negotiated the contract as he was "golfing buddies" with some ZTE officials, something he did not deny. In return, he and "gang" was to get $130 M in kickback! Abalos also reportedly went to China several times, enjoying escapades paid for by the ZTE officials. He admitted making several trips to China.
3. First Gentleman Mike Arroyo

Also known as FGMA, Mike Arroyo is the First Gentleman of the Philippine republic and "husband" to Pres. Gloria Arroyo. This bloke has been connected to numerous corruption anomalies in the country. His role of course in this sick tale is being the "mystery man" in this scam, one of Abalos' gang members who stands to receive a fairly huge amount from the scheme. He is famous for allegedly acting as the agitated bastard in THE meeting with HIS pals and De Venecia. He was purported to have pointed his finger about “two inches from De Venecia's nose,” and told him to “back off.” Arroyo wanted De Venecia to leave the deal and stop meddling.FGMA fled the country a day before the Senate hearing, raising suspicion that he was avoiding the scandal.
Right now this whole thing has blown out of proportion and has been exploited by the media big time because of the juiciness of it all. Plus so many other sectors of society have waded in and given their says on this political mess. As of speaking the investigation is going on full-scale with the Senate and involved political parties all playing their part. Everyone is screaming and pointing fingers and I know this is not that far from John Grisham novel scenarios LOL You probably can conclude why I travel a lot and not stay in my country so much hahahahaha....
But I personally would love to play Sherlock Holmes or Darby Shaw ( The Pelican Brief) and investigate and admittedly fantasisingly stumbling upon a mysterious non-political character who is so powerful he is pulling the strings on all these puppets called politicians LOL But I know I have been reading too much Grisham and maybe Ludlum novels LOL
I have not known any of this because frankly speaking myspace and facebook seems to tickle me more hahahaha but this is interesting ENOUGH to make my blog hahahaha
Note: a big thank you to these websites for making the story simpler for my overused brain ...thanks guys!