Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Prospero Año Nuevo!!!!!
Here's to a more verdant, free-flowing, tranquil, gregarious and pixel-perfect year!!!!

a cocaine of a sport....
Joko Suprianto, Susi Susanti, Ye Zhaoying, Dong Jong....

These were the names that peppered the sporting television on the first few moments of the passage of the H.M.S. Winklergirl over the ocean of her sporting obsession of that lovely game called badminton. Somehow the sight of a bird-like mass being hit back and forth over the net seemed visually beautiful to me. There was so much artistry, power and intellect in a badminton court. I was intrigued when I saw it on television and hooked when I saw a live match in some hot, smelly gym. I knew I had to try it.
I will never forget the brand of my first racket. It was a 6$ Kawasaki which sounded more like an automobile brand from Japan rather than something you used to hit shuttlecocks with. Shuttlecocks are the balls used for badminton, theyre composed of goose feathers and cork by the way. My racket did not last very long though given the price-range. But cheap equipment or not, it was my first step onto a love-hate relationship with a physically challenging yet gracefully artistic sport. Several strings of rackets after and several strings of broken strings later LOL i was unbeatable on court...whether I played it in the backyard or on the gym.
My biggest challenger was probably my male cousin because he was used to the sheer physical power from playing tennis which employs a heavier racket and therefore as a result makes him used to generating more force from his trunk to his forearm to his wrist to the shuttlecock when he did play badminton. Oh the matches that we had was enough to put marathoners to shame! He was more powerful but I was smarter and had the stamina for the longer matches. I cannot remember our head to head matchup statistic but I would guess it is pretty close. Now though because of the sheer number of players who play the sport and the pool of talent, sometimes when I run into a specialist, or someone who plays it for money or in the national competitions they make me look like an amateur. I would guess I can hold my own against them for a couple of minutes but the sheer hours of practice they put in place them at a considerable advantage over me. Of course though when I run into someone who just started playing the game a year or three ago, I can easily whip his ass.
Of course like any other endeavor I plunge at early in life, it caught the disapproval of my father. He openly told me he did not like it. He wanted me to play tennis. I would buy my own equipment with my own money and never asked anything from him. There was one point where during an argument he got too physical and broke all my rackets because he was so angry. It was traumatic for someone who loved the sport. Well I will not delve into the details anymore but this is also one reason why I never try to level with my father....
Why did I write about badminton? Because for the first time in more than a year I will be picking up a racket again and so naturally I had to shop for new shoes and socks and bag etc LOL what else I'm still a girl!!!! Fitness-wise I have to stop dieting!!! Well I cannot totally stop it but I have to mix a little exercise to continue being slim, gamine and taut and maintain it for a longer time. There is no other way to enjoy being fit again than be in the arms of an old lover. Sometimes I get tired of him, I tell him to go away and leave me alone but I am always one who never forgets him. Badminton and me will be together forever, whether I am in Shanghai, Saigon, Saipan or Sulawesi....My body is his to worship and his arms are mine to grapple with....
Friday, December 28, 2007
shall i wear your shoes????
thank you so much SIMON...
aren't they suprabeauteousssss????
toe pick???
toe pick???
toe piiiiicccccccccckkk hahahaha
Thursday, December 27, 2007
discovered in the Paraguayan thickets
open your olfactory senses and smell the air around you... The pheromones exhuding from my body is palpable, real and almost tangible...Estrus has been cruel to me and the signs of my fertility cannot be hidden ..... I am a jaguar on the prowl for a satisfier to the thermal pressures of my body...
My biology is unbeknownst to the whole human race, my genetic code disrespects the chromosomal arrangements of science...for what abomination or mythology of a creature possesses the morphism of a woman and yet retains the qualities of the masculine genera???
What should you call me oh able scientist...I defy all classifications and scientific definitions...And yet you desire to be with it that you want to be with me before extinction overtakes my kind????
Monday, December 24, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
LINDA BLAIR haunting???
twelve days of winkler Christmas...
On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
A Prada purse on my Christmas treeeee.....
On the second day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Two turtle pets,
and a Prada purse on my Christmas treeeee.....
On the third day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Three French hunks,
Two turtle pets,
and a Prada purse on my Christmas treeeee.....
and a Prada purse on my Christmas treeeee.....
On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Four one-eyed birds,
Three French hunks,
Two turtle pets,
Two turtle pets,
and a Prada purse on my Christmas treeeee.....
On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Five gold EARriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiings......
Four one-eyed birds,
Three French hunks,
Three French hunks,
Two turtle pets,
and a Prada purse on my Christmas treeeee......
and a Prada purse on my Christmas treeeee......
On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Six gizmos blinking,
Five gold EARriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiings,
Four one-eyed birds,
Four one-eyed birds,
Three French hunks,
Two turtle pets,
Two turtle pets,
and a Prada purse on my Christmas treeeee......
On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Seven suits for swimming,
Six gizmos blinking,
Five gold EARriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiings,
Five gold EARriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiings,
Four one-eyed birds,
Three French hunks,
Three French hunks,
Two turtle pets,
and a Prada purse on my Christmas treeeee......
and a Prada purse on my Christmas treeeee......
On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Eight packs of skin milk,
Seven suits for swimming,
Six gizmos blinking,
Six gizmos blinking,
Five gold EARriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiings,
Four one-eyed birds,
Three French hunks,
Two turtle pets,
and a Prada purse on my Christmas treeeee......
On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Nine shoes for prancing,
Eight packs of skin milk,
Seven suits for swimming,
Seven suits for swimming,
Six gizmos blinking,
Five gold EARriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiings,
Four one-eyed birds,
Three French hunks,
Two turtle pets,
and a Prada purse on my Christmas treeeee......
Five gold EARriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiings,
Four one-eyed birds,
Three French hunks,
Two turtle pets,
and a Prada purse on my Christmas treeeee......
On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Ten Brits a-leaping,
Nine shoes for prancing,
Eight packs of skin milk,
Eight packs of skin milk,
Seven suits for swimming,
Six gizmos blinking,
Six gizmos blinking,
Five gold EARriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiings,
Four one-eyed birds,
Three French hunks,
Two turtle pets,
and a Prada purse on my Christmas treeeee......
On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Eleven strippers wiping,
Ten Brits a-leaping,
Nine shoes for prancing,
Nine shoes for prancing,
Eight packs of skin milk,
Seven suits for swimming,
Seven suits for swimming,
Six gizmos blinking,
Five gold EARriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiings,
Four one-eyed birds,
Three French hunks,
Two turtle pets,
and a Prada purse on my Christmas treeeee......
Five gold EARriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiings,
Four one-eyed birds,
Three French hunks,
Two turtle pets,
and a Prada purse on my Christmas treeeee......
On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love sent to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.......................
Twelve dommes dominating,
Eleven strippers piping,
Ten Brits a-leaping,
Ten Brits a-leaping,
Nine shoes for prancing,
Eight packs of skin milk,
Eight packs of skin milk,
Seven suits for swimming,
Six gizmos blinking,
Six gizmos blinking,
Five gold EARriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiings,
Four one-eyed birds,
Three French hunks,
Two turtle pets,
and a Prada purse on my Christmas treeeee......
New Season's Resolutions....
1) Iron Curtain Policy ....
I would like to give this label to my first resolution because I want to make walls in places which deserve a boundary. I have become too accessible, accommodating, and too open. As a result I am being pillaged, mangled and severed in ways I sometimes lack awareness of. The past few months, I have been noticing that I am giving more to people who should really not be warranting something of a SIGNIFICANT VALUE from so? why so?
I hate it when some people seem to demand more time and attention than they deserve. They occupy my oversqueezed and malnourished pulp of a brain too much and as a result are more than just headaches for me. The consequence does not affect me when I look at it from the here-and-now standpoint. It may be a minor bump I can remedy with salve during that instant. But little do I know that during the long run the irritability that these people cause me can amount to a considerable degree which ground my receding husk further...
People can be ungrateful. Some girls tap AND plunder my resources in many ways. Bitches who claim to be friends are wenches who lack gratitude by doing everything dirty from copying my writing styles to asking favors from me to blatantly asking for money. When they have had their way with me, they are never around when I need their aid. I do not necessarily expect a favor back in return but acknowledgement that they are still around for me are well-appreciated, you know!
Another example is PEOPLE who demand SO MUCH of my attention and diversion so that it becomes difficult for me to concentrate on tasks I am used to having a one-tracked attention on. Why should you NOT BE ABLE to understand that people ALWAYS deserve their own personal bubbles? So many people are so invasive of my time, even with the awareness that I am preoccupied at the moment. When I say I am busy it does not necessarily mean work is the reason. Sometimes I just need space perhaps to think, listen to music, relax or finger myself or MORE IMPORTANTLY get some sleep. LOL Bottomline is if I say I'm busy I am BUSY and if I say I am not then I really am not. Please respect other peoples' time because I do respect your personal calendar, your families, etc.
Stop spreading rumors about me to increase my fame and notoriety because first of all I do not need your marketing wizardry, and second rumors are not such a powerful tool to increase the popularity of a certain person because they're mere whiffs of aromas which are all the time deceptive. Misleading does not even begin to describe them. Damaging, asinine, and destructive are words which may help concretize the concept.
The winklergirl factory like Willy Wonka's in the film shall close its gates and work in secrecy like a Russian sports camp. What formulae, stratagem and sorcery I employ shall be known to me and only me. I will wisely choose the individuals I surround myself with. People who want to enter my abode will need to be "granted" the Golden ticket only because I want them to have it and I have to force myself to trust them. I have become too open to too many people that my factory has run decrepit because of invasion and misuse of its resources. I am going to be alone in my battles once again but what the heck! We all are alone in the end and I shall celebrate my own triumphs and I shall take the flack if I stumble.
2.) Exercise
Sex is an exercise but I have to wonder why I am getting lethargic, dull and rickety the last couple of months. I am beginning to wonder if the wonders offered by Deepak Chopra-esque physical gymnastics are realistic. In my daily routines, I get tired so easily and as a result I settle into sleepwalk-like sojourns to the malls, friends' houses or the neighborhood. I know it may be because my carbohydrate intake is a lot lower than other people but I also do know that a large percentage of this half-life physical existence is due to lack of movement in all the right joints and ligaments of the structure called my body.
I used to play sports before but have ceased to because I did not like my arms to look like Bruce Lee's (not that they probably aren't now HAHAHAHAHHA). But then guys do probably love Angelina Jolie arms or Jennifer Garner's physiques eh? I personally love their bodies and they do exercise! That part I know but they have personal trainers and I am way off that lifestyle. Diet can only get me so far. I have to admit one of my biggest cardinal health sin is the intake of medicine to suppress appetite. I know this can get out-of-hand and is very lethal to many systems of the body. I do eat healthy when I have the chance which is most of the time but these tablets of venom I need to abandon.....
Diet is not the only answer to looking gamine and fit. I am going to have to indulge myself in physical fitness again. So I guess I have to haul my ass over to some temple of sweaty bodies (arrrgh please no more physical contacts I hope LOL) or a regimented camp of driven individuals. I do hope to reinvigorate my body to help it produce biothermal energy for a healthier existence and exercise is obviously the way.
3.) Be wiser with money
Oh my God women are the object of derision when it comes to impulsive purchases and I am their mistress. I have a whole fucking mountain of unused gizmos and salves which after a careful assessment would leave me scratching my scalp to eternal thindom as to the reason for purchasing such an object.
From lotions to makeup, to clothes to shoes, to electronics to pages of literati, I was a mindless collect-and-never-select mechanical device. It came to a point where immigration in Singapore gave me a bitch of a time because the contents of my laptop bag also included underwear and dildos because my purchases took the bulk of my luggage HAHAHAHAHA.
Now the only way is to look at it from a monetary perspective. Save it, don't waste it. I still have an endless supply of Shu Uemura collagen cream so why buy more as if World War 3 is gonna commence tomorrow night and my skin will wither without my crazy skin regimen within a 24-hour period. Converting the money into my country's currency in my imagination will also help as I know that even if I deserve my haunting the stores for some strategic and tactical pillaging of those lovely items lined up on display beckoning to my wallet like sirens to the drunken sailors, I really should save my dollars. I shall start to install in my brain a personal reminder in the form of the awareness of the poverty level in my country reaching to a point where children merely clap their hands when they belt out Christmas carols near the traffic lights because they cannot EVEN afford the materials to make musical instruments out of wooden sticks, bottle caps and nails. (BUT IF the reason for such a reality is LAZINESS and lack of CREATIVITY in the course of their short existence, then may they rot in hell until they reach puberty AHAHAHHA boy call me mean call me mean LOL)
Those are probably good ways to use my imagination when I am reaching for that bottle of verdant and floral scent, or that new cosmetic hue to splatter on my eyes. At least if I keep those tangible realities I might give a second thought on bringing the item to the counter to rape my wallet off its bludgeoning cash.
brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrttt (to be continued)
Resolutions, resolutions, resolutions.....the cocktail called my brain is at a standstill once again so I shall reserve the other resolutions on the next few entries I will make....
love me...shower me with love, kindness, generosity, L'Occitane, Billabong and Roxy small size tees (HAHAHA), Coco Chanel scents and manjuice from your phallus ......... my brain shall run on diesel engine forever LOL
Ta ta for now...
hugs and kisses
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Other than knowing that Hanoi is the capital, that Ho Chi Minh is a city where Jet Star Airlines flies to and that those gastronomically delightful verdant spring rolls of meat and veggies which are widely known to belong to their national kitchenomics, very little is known about the country called Vietnam in the gelatinous pulp called my brain LOL
( P.S. I ate a LOT of these palatable rolls of heaven in Hongkong and only recently knew they were Vietnamese in origin.)
Why the sudden interest? Why not the sudden interest when a friend has offered these to you????

The real deal is a very close amigo has suggested coming to Vietnam for a relaxing time without the thought of work (which does not mean I'm not bringing the laptop LOL) while at the same time making the irresistible offer of easing my accomodation and gastronomic expenses (Not that I eat much LOL like the previous post's subject hahahaha). Vietnam is not an expensive place to live in presumably unlike Hongkong or Singapore but anything offered in aid to relieve me of financial stress for a lazy vacation is very much welcome!!!! I can imagine the sightseeing, swimming and photography I will be indulging in such a haven of a country.
What about you folks? What do you know about Vietnam? Please do tell what you can suggest from your firsthand experiences to the place. Or you can always report the firsthand experiences of your friends or friends' friends but it WOULD BE HIGHLY APPRECIATED if you REFRAIN from copy pasting from Wikipedia and Lonely Planet...I'm not too much of bitch am i? LOL
Please post your suggestions on the Comments page....I will love you for it and please follow the instructions above on how to post comments....Love y'all :D
( P.S. I ate a LOT of these palatable rolls of heaven in Hongkong and only recently knew they were Vietnamese in origin.)
Why the sudden interest? Why not the sudden interest when a friend has offered these to you????

The real deal is a very close amigo has suggested coming to Vietnam for a relaxing time without the thought of work (which does not mean I'm not bringing the laptop LOL) while at the same time making the irresistible offer of easing my accomodation and gastronomic expenses (Not that I eat much LOL like the previous post's subject hahahaha). Vietnam is not an expensive place to live in presumably unlike Hongkong or Singapore but anything offered in aid to relieve me of financial stress for a lazy vacation is very much welcome!!!! I can imagine the sightseeing, swimming and photography I will be indulging in such a haven of a country.
What about you folks? What do you know about Vietnam? Please do tell what you can suggest from your firsthand experiences to the place. Or you can always report the firsthand experiences of your friends or friends' friends but it WOULD BE HIGHLY APPRECIATED if you REFRAIN from copy pasting from Wikipedia and Lonely Planet...I'm not too much of bitch am i? LOL
Please post your suggestions on the Comments page....I will love you for it and please follow the instructions above on how to post comments....Love y'all :D
puke alert...
doesn't this ...
remind you of....

click ...
.... to throw up on your meals....LOL LOL LOL
myspace blog entry: Slithering...slithering....
What most people who know me and probably the ones who don't would tell you that I have a perverse love for icky, scaled and cold-blooded creatures called reptiles. Not that I loved them all! haha I just like snakes and monitor lizards, some crocodiles and skinks and some iguanas I think. They have always fascinated me more than any other creature. The manner in which such an animal could undulate and crawl and of course how they look has always been a source of constant amazement plus our seeing them more on our TV screens rather than up close seems to put them in a legendary state. I have to confess, I once caught a skink when I was a kid and actually kept it inside a plastic container for several days or so but I felt very guilty when he was slowly becoming lethargic and not eating the dead flies I was trying to feed him hahaha. Talk about animal parentage and care when I never had a talent for them hahahahaha.
In general though I am always enthralled by the mere thought of the existence of animals that are beyond the annals of biological listings and I have a perverse desire to see a creature yet to be given a scientific name or a classification for that matter hehe...
Ok I am blabbering again. Going back to my topic, my recent trip to the Land of Smiles gave me the opportunity to visit the famous Queen Bavmordala errrr Saovabha Snake Farm in Rama IV Road, across from Chulalongkorn Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand. I was in a sour mood that day but it all went away when we came in and looked at the glass and metal cages filled with my slithering friends hehehe. There was a short slide presentation before the actual demonstration show where the guide had his assistants take the snakes out of their cages and actually released them without iron bars or wooden stilts to separate them from us! The audience did not conceal their awe.
We had the most horrible seats because we were at the back but of course I am not without any form of resourcefulness. I noticed that the assistants actually went to the back taking the snakes with them so I took a position near the back and charmed the assistants to give me a nice view of them reptilians and I snapped away haha oh well the first few pics are from our bad position and I could actually see that my camera has wonderful underestimated zooming qualities hahaha.
The whole shindig showcased the different and more known snakes throughout Southeast Asia and most especially Thailand. It was a disappointment not to be able to see legless skinks and giant lizards but then it is not called a reptile farm but a snake farm for nothing hahahhahahaha
I realized that no matter how much I liked these creatures I could never muster enough courage to touch one haha I mean there was a special part of the show where they allowed the audience to indulge and touch a big, apparently harmless python and have images snapped away. I never even moved near the crowd except to take my partner's photo of him with the enormous snake haha I don't know why but perhaps some deep-rooted survival instinct or some FLEE and LIVE instinct factor in me made me cringe at the sight and thought of the creature round my neck and my hands touching it yech!!!!! well not that I am not used to other kinds of elongated and more stimulating creatures hahahahha
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
hot hot hot...
Sunday, December 16, 2007
myspace blog entry: apocalypto
this film is a must-see...if you think this is just your run-of-the-mill National Geographic-ESQUE native Indian culture study or ancient Mayan civilisation documentary then you could never be more wrong. The movie is a culinary experience if you devour movies for their content, storylines and moral and aesthetic values. It is about the plight of a tribe as well as a young father and his inner struggles when the clan he belongs to find themselves ransacked by violent, bloodthirsty natives who belong to a neighboring tribal clan where human sacrifice was both a religious practice and a sporting event....His tribe was chosen to feed the thirst of a population which believed that their gods needed blood and flesh to be appeased.
Although the movie's violence and graphic displays of blood and gore rankled me a bit it seemed to add perversely to the movie's appeal. Many scenes and stills in the movies were pure art in their magnificence and in the effect they had on me. The sea of dead bodies, the whole populace watching heads roll along the stairs of the Mayan temple, our hero looking like a being of half-human, half-animal origin when he was swimming in the bog....the movie is one big canvass and the scenes like collages in various areas of the is superb and fantastic...a celebration of the existence of color and human culture at its basest is a must see I must tell you....
(Note: Credits to for these lovely pictures)
Friday, December 14, 2007
frenchmaid chronicles...
Can I do your kitchen? or you? LOL
Come and see the full set of Frenchmaid Chronicles by being a VIP lounge member...
The yahoo group is here
email me on how to become a VIP member :)
response to a comment...
"Steve W said...
Liisa,I have to say that I really enjoy your posts and pics on Craigslist. What I really enjoy is the intelligence and flair you have for expressing yourself. You also have a lot of spunk which is something I don't see much of anywhere else.As a marketer myself, I would love to hire you to do my PR and marketing. Where we you educated by the way? You have excellent writing skills and english grammar."
Mr. Steve W., hi and hello to you....It is such a great honor that someone from a site such as the one you have mentioned above has found his way to my blog and to post such a positive review of me is a great honor (not that I have found the comments here optimistic, which I have to say most are 100% ingratiating and very discernible as to their intent and purpose)...
To tell you the truth this is the first time someone has made an offer like this to me as public as any can be...and when this comes to mind, other things also find their way into the spotlight....such as the fact that countless people have told me why with such brilliance and communicative capacity I have settled onto the occupation I am currently in now... By the way I have a bachelor's degree in Psychology but I cannot call myself anything near Psycho-"suffix-needed." I am just a Psychology graduate but I did study and pore on my English and literature lessons well all the way from elementary to college which is why I probably write good English...
Sometimes I am left staring and open-mouthed when I am confronted with such a query and sometimes I am able to defend myself but at the back of my mind I have created an imaginary but indestructible obelisk of a goal that I will do my best to abandon this business when the right opportunity wavers its way along with the promise that the same exciting possibilities are in store albeit in a more refined course probably than the current lifestyle I am in...
Now we have to talk me then ... :D
Liisa,I have to say that I really enjoy your posts and pics on Craigslist. What I really enjoy is the intelligence and flair you have for expressing yourself. You also have a lot of spunk which is something I don't see much of anywhere else.As a marketer myself, I would love to hire you to do my PR and marketing. Where we you educated by the way? You have excellent writing skills and english grammar."
Mr. Steve W., hi and hello to you....It is such a great honor that someone from a site such as the one you have mentioned above has found his way to my blog and to post such a positive review of me is a great honor (not that I have found the comments here optimistic, which I have to say most are 100% ingratiating and very discernible as to their intent and purpose)...
To tell you the truth this is the first time someone has made an offer like this to me as public as any can be...and when this comes to mind, other things also find their way into the spotlight....such as the fact that countless people have told me why with such brilliance and communicative capacity I have settled onto the occupation I am currently in now... By the way I have a bachelor's degree in Psychology but I cannot call myself anything near Psycho-"suffix-needed." I am just a Psychology graduate but I did study and pore on my English and literature lessons well all the way from elementary to college which is why I probably write good English...
Sometimes I am left staring and open-mouthed when I am confronted with such a query and sometimes I am able to defend myself but at the back of my mind I have created an imaginary but indestructible obelisk of a goal that I will do my best to abandon this business when the right opportunity wavers its way along with the promise that the same exciting possibilities are in store albeit in a more refined course probably than the current lifestyle I am in...
Now we have to talk me then ... :D
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
plagiaristic tendencies
Plagiarism is indeed an art form. To copy is the most blatant declamation of flattery for the copied. To produce a faithful replica of an original idea is the ultimate tribute one can give to the originator of the scheme. And yet I abhor people who practice these classless acts.
This is a form of expression which steals pieces of originality and morph it into fragments of seemingly fresh designs when all they really were were mere imitations of a more genuine formula. This is pilferage in its raw essence and is an intangible crime. This is unpunishable by any lawbook unless you actually protect it with legal boundaries which is beyond my knowledge LOL.
Case in point: These people who copy the content of some of my advertising schemes and even construct a whole blog has to be the most preposterous acts I have ever come across! I do not care if imitation is the sincerest form of worshipping me but for Christ sakes I hope you find your own niche in this world and blossom from it. You are parasitic leeches who suck blood out of beings who strive hard to create novel and beautiful figments of their imagination! Pathetic does not even begin to describe you.....Find your own place in this world and if you can't oh please make the robbery of ideas discreet and untraceable. LOL
This is a form of expression which steals pieces of originality and morph it into fragments of seemingly fresh designs when all they really were were mere imitations of a more genuine formula. This is pilferage in its raw essence and is an intangible crime. This is unpunishable by any lawbook unless you actually protect it with legal boundaries which is beyond my knowledge LOL.
Case in point: These people who copy the content of some of my advertising schemes and even construct a whole blog has to be the most preposterous acts I have ever come across! I do not care if imitation is the sincerest form of worshipping me but for Christ sakes I hope you find your own niche in this world and blossom from it. You are parasitic leeches who suck blood out of beings who strive hard to create novel and beautiful figments of their imagination! Pathetic does not even begin to describe you.....Find your own place in this world and if you can't oh please make the robbery of ideas discreet and untraceable. LOL
Ciao everyone...Sorry for the rant LOL
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Separated at Birth 4????
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